Hey everyone! Today I'm going to show you how to create the lower third like this.
Before starting, please subscribe to my channel. Let's get started…
Open Adobe After Effect and create a new composition and name it 'Main Comp' and set the custom preset to 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels and 60 frames per second.
Set duration to 5 seconds and click OK.
I going to use the Rectangle tool, select the fill color, set it to the solid color, and filled with white color. Click on Stroke and set it to none.
Draw a rectangle shape like this. Take an angle point to the center of the shape. Align the shape to the center of the composition.
On the shape layer, select contents, select Rectangle 1, and then expend Rectangle Path 1 unlink the size of the shape and resize it to width by 1200 pixels and heigh to 200 pixels.
On transform Rectangle 1, select Skew and put value 35 to it.
Now Rename the shape layer to 'Shape 1'. Duplication the shape layer but press Control + D and select Shape 2 and go to the rectangle tool to change the color to red color. You can pick up any color which you want.
Expand shape 2, expand Rectangle 1, expand rectangle path 1, and set width value to 250 and high to 200.
Select shape 2 and press S to change the scale of the shape and Set the value to 115.
Now import the social media logo, in this tutorial I will use the YouTube logo. After import select and create a new composition and resize it to fit the composition.
Right-click on the YouTube logo and rename it to 'logo'.
Click on the main composition and track logo composition to the main composition. Press S on the keyboard to change the size fit to shape 2.
It looks good to me. Let's animate the logo by pressing R on the keyboard to set rotation on the logo. Set the keyframe to 1 second and press the stopwatch icon on scale and Rotation.
Go to the starting point of the frame and set the value to scale to 0 and rotation to -100. It looks good to me. Select all keyframes and right-click and select keyframe assistant and select easy ease.
It now looks like smooth animation.
Next, select both shape 2 layer and logo layer and pre-compose and name it to logo animation.
Let's move the time selector to 1 second and select the logo animation layer and press P for the position.
Move the logo layer to the right and create a keyframe. Move to 3 seconds and create another keyframe and set the value to 540.
Now let's animate the rectangle as well. Open shape 1 and open rectangle 1 and on transform rectangle 1 select Scale and unlink its value. Move the angle point to the center right of the shape and set a keyframe on it. Select it and change it to easy ease. It looks good to me.
I going to use stroke animation by duplicating the shape 1. Select the shape 1 and rename it to stroke. Press U on the keyboard and delete the keyframe on it.
Add new Trim Paths to it. Select Trim Paths and select stroke shape and click on the isolated icon. Select Rectangle Tool and select fill and set it to none.
On Stroke set the color to white and the value to 2.
On trim paths, set the End value to 55 and offset to -5. Let's animate it.
Go to 4 seconds and a half, and create a keyframe on the end value. Move to 1 second and set the End value to 0. Select all keyframes and put easy ease.
All right, let's un-show the isolate icon and move to below the shape later.
Next, let's put the text to it. Select the text tool and apply it. You can use any font you want.
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